330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Carrollton Boy Scout Troop 141 and Cub Scout Pack have a found a new Chartered Organization with the VFW Post 3301 on Chase Rd.
VFW Commander, Greg Brady, and Jim Newbold, quartermaster, helped to make a smooth transfer while working with Scoutmaster, Shaun Paul.
The VFW Officers and committee members have been very gracious in allowing the troop to use their facilities. Many of the VFW officers and members are past scouts, Eagle scouts and merit badge counselors in and around the Carrollton area.
A chartered organization is a local organization in the community that has the same values and goals as scouting. They enter into an annual agreement with the scouts to provide support, a meeting place, storage and help with leadership within the troop or pack.
Troop and Pack 141 was previously chartered with the Carrollton First United Methodist Church (Yellow Brick Church). They had been a chartered organization for 83 years for different scout troops in town.
Since COVID hit in 2020, the Troop has not been able to host the annual ham dinner. But the last several months the schools have been opening back up to allowing outside groups in. So the boys are very excited that February 2024 will welcome the ham dinner back.
The Boy Scout Troop 141 is an all boy troop. They usually meet two Sundays per month and camp one weekend. Any boys age 11-17 interested in Scouts should contact Paul at 330-933-6634.
Cub Scouts are both boys and girls. They meet Monday evening in the St. Joseph hall on Moody Ave. when there is school. Boys or girls in grades K-5 may contact Jena at 330-407-0498.
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