Legal Notices


To: Hart Merlyn Christie, Deceased, and Helene Weatherhead Christie, Deceased, addresses unknown, along with their unknown heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, relicts, next of kin and assigns, if any, whose identities and addresses are also unknown; you are hereby notified that you have been named as a defendant in a legal action entitled Michael S. Spiker, et al. v. Dover Atwood Corp., et al. This action has been assigned case number 2024CVH30458 and is pending before Judge Michael V. Repella, Il in the Court of Common Pleas of Carroll County, Ohio, at 119 South Lisbon Street, Carrollton, Ohio 44615.

The object of Plaintiffs’ complaint is to obtain a court declaration that the conveyance of the mineral rights in the Deed recorded at Carroll County Deed Records Book 109, Page 100, is no longer valid or legally binding and does not encumber any oil and gas rights to the property identified in the Deed; and to obtain a court order quieting title to said severed mineral interest in the name of the Plaintiffs; that the Agreement recorded at Carroll County Lease Records Volume 46, Page 27 and rerecorded in Carroll County Lease Records Volume 46, Page 109 has terminated and is null and void and Plaintiffs are the true and lawful owners of all the oil, gas and mineral interests underling the Property, free and clear of any claims of Defendants.

You are required to answer the Complaint within 28 days after the last publication of this notice, which will be published each week for six successive weeks. The last publication will be made Aug. 14, 2024, and the 28 days for answer will commence on that date.

If you fail to answer or otherwise respond as permitted by the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure within the time stated, judgment will be entered granting the relief requested in the Complaint.

Dated: July 1, 2024.

Respectfully submitted,


Is/ Sara E. Fanning Sara E. Fanning (0085160) [email protected] 

41 South High Street

Huntington Center, 21 st Floor

Columbus, OH 43215

David J. Wigham (0059672) [email protected] 

222 South Main Street 

Akron, OH 44308

Attorneys for Plaintiff

Published in The Carroll County Messenger July 10, July 17, July 24, July 31, Aug. 7, Aug. 14, 2024.

 Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

General Code, Sec. 11681    

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

The State of Ohio, 

Carroll County






Case No. 2024 CVE30414

In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above-entitled Action, this property will be offered for sale by RealAuction at, on TUESDAY, the 23RD DAY OF JULY, 2024 at 10:00 o’clock A.M. If the property does not receive a sufficient bid, said property will be offered for sale again on TUESDAY, the 30TH DAY OF JULY, 2024 at 10:00 o’clock A.M.


*Said Premises Located at: ITAWAMBA TRAIL LOT NO. 801, MALVERN, OH 44644

PPN: 03-0000751.000

*Said Premises Appraised at $18,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount at the first sale date.  If the property does not sell at first sale date and is offered at the second sale date, the sale will start with a “No set minimum bid”.  The purchaser shall be responsible for cost, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.  Neither the Sheriff’s Office nor any affiliates have access to the inside of said property, including appraisal for bank loans, and is not liable for the condition of the property upon confirmation of the sale.

TERMS OF SALE:  Deposit due on the day of the sale, personal, certified or cashier’s check accepted.  Balance due upon confirmation of the sale by the court.  If the appraised value of the property is:

            Less than or equal to $10,000 = Deposit of $2,000.00

            More than $10,000 but less than or equal to $200,000 = Deposit of $5,000

            More than $200,000 = Deposit of $10,000

Buyer beware that he/she may be responsible for any and all outstanding costs not covered by sale proceeds.

Black, McCuskey, Souers &


4505 Stephen Circle, Suite 200

Canton, Ohio 44718



Calvin Graham, Sheriff

Carroll County, Ohio

PUBLISHED IN: The Carroll County Messenger 

PUBLISHING DATES: 06/26/2024, 07/03/2024 AND 07/10/2024.

Legal Notice

A Public Hearing has been set by our Village Planning Commission for Monday, July 22, 2024 at 6:30 o’clock P.M. in the Municipal Building located at 80 2nd St SW to hear a zone change request for 568 & 604 N. Lisbon Street. The property owner would like to have the zoning changed from RD to B-2. The property owner of 1039 N. Lisbon Street would like to have the zoning changed from Industrial to 8-2 also.

Darla Tipton, Clerk-Treasurer

Village of Carrollton

Published in the Carroll County Messenger July 10, 2024

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